CVM Dean kills story about Oklahoma Veterinarian of the Year award winner as feud with alumni worsens

A distinguished alumnus, former faculty member and donor at the College of Veterinary Medicine was recently named “Oklahoma Veterinarian of the Year” by the Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association, the state’s highest honor for veterinarians, but the Dean of the College killed an article announcing the award in the College’s official magazine, Vet Cetera, because he … Read More

University leadership ignored warnings of CVM toxic culture, documents show

Over the course of approximately two years, University leaders – including the Board of Regents, the University President and the Provost overseeing the veterinary college – have been repeatedly warned by staff, faculty, alumni and others of a deteriorating toxic work environment at CVM, according to interviews and a review of direct communications with these … Read More

CVM leadership conducting retaliation campaign, causing chilling effect on progress, sources say

More than half of alumni respondents reported feeling disrespected by the leadership of the College of Veterinary medicine, according to an anonymous, opt-in survey conducted online from April to August of 2023 . Additional reports are now emerging of retaliation from College leadership directed at individuals who the Dean perceives to be his opponents. These … Read More

Dean’s controversial ‘behavioral assessment’ of candidate called “sham” and legal liability

Questions have emerged about the legality, appropriateness, and fairness of a controversial “behavioral assessment” that the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine directed to be conducted on at least one qualified candidate for the position of Director of the Teaching Hospital. Allegations have emerged that this “assessment” was not real, and served as pretext … Read More

Donors, alumni report hostility, retaliation from CVM leadership.

Multiple donors to CVM, including some who have donated more than a quarter-million dollars, report being “blacklisted” by CVM leadership. Donor gifts to CVM have faded, according to these donors, as relations with the college have become increasingly strained over the prior five years. In June of 2022, a letter representing 47 concerned alumni was … Read More

Alumni feel disrespected, ignored, lied to by College leadership, survey reveals.

Alumni increasingly report disappointment in the trajectory of CVM and mistrust of the college’s leadership, according to a recent survey. “You’ll get two different results if you poll the most active alumni vs all alumni,” said an alumn who has been a leader in national alumni efforts in previous years for OSU. “The less active … Read More