With accreditation review weeks away, College rushes renovations, fears new sanctions

Fearful of being sanctioned by the AVMA following accreditation review in April, College leadership has embarked upon a crash course renovation campaign, hoping to improve the Teaching Hospital facilities just in time for the AVMA site visit scheduled to take place in April, 2024. According to one source inside the College, leadership “has moved away … Read More

Years after AVMA probation & new Dean, CVM has declined further, review shows

This month marks the 6 year anniversary of CVM being relegated to probationary accreditation by the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education for, among other things, “major deficiencies” in core standards that all veterinary colleges must uphold.  Next month marks the 6-year anniversary of the appointment of Dr. Carlos Risco as Dean of CVM. … Read More

Veterinary industry leaders assess CVM leadership: “The lack of any strategic insight is disappointing.”

At the 6-year anniversary of OSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine being relegated to probationary accreditation by the American Veterinary Medical Association and the appointment of a new Dean, we spoke to a number of prominent veterinary industry leaders to gain an outside perspective on how well OSU’s program is performing. These individuals would only speak … Read More

Over 50 faculty, staff have left CVM in prior 2 years

CVM Independent News has confirmed that more than 50 faculty and staff members have resigned, retired or been terminated in just the last 2 years, representing an unusually high and unmitigated attrition rate compared to both CVM’s previous steady-state as well as compared to other veterinary colleges. As a result, nine core hospital services have … Read More

Oklahoma legislature, Governor largely unaware of full scope, causes of issues at CVM, insiders claim.

With tens of millions in taxpayer dollars being directed to the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine, and with the creation of the Oklahoma State University Veterinary Medicine Authority, there were many ecstatic press release quotes issued – by OSU, by legislative sponsors, the Oklahoma Farm Bureau, the Dean of CVM and others. Indeed, larger budgets … Read More