Part One: University faces lawsuits due to wrongful termination, cover up of major issues

Oklahoma State University is facing lawsuits over allegations that Carlos Risco, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, harassed, retaliated against and ultimately terminated a decorated employee in order to chill growing concerns about his leadership, and then successfully solicited the University President, Provost and Board of Regents to enforce his intended message in order … Read More

OK Vet Board shields CVM/VMTH from complaints, evidence suggests

Allegations that the Oklahoma State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners has been allowing CVM’s Teaching Hospital to avoid repercussions that other Oklahoma veterinarians would likely face in similar circumstances appear to be substantiated, based on a review of recent complaints and discussions with subject matter experts. CVM Independent has confirmed that the OKBVMA dismissed valid … Read More

Nine hospital departments have shuttered since CVM relegated to probationary accreditation for “major deficiencies,” new Dean appointment.

Concerns are growing both inside and outside the College of Veterinary Medicine that the upcoming accreditation review by the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education may go poorly as a result of the shuttering of no less than nine medical services due to an exodus of more than 50 faculty and staff in just … Read More

“The worst record-keeping I have ever seen in my career.” A review of the Teaching Hospital’s patient record practices.

A review of Teaching Hospital patient files, supplied by individuals whose pets were seen at the hospital in the last year, reveals systemic, substandard practices. In every file we reviewed, the record keeping practices exhibited were well below industry standard. Significant gaps in both time and medical management were evident, and these failures were common … Read More